The foundation of any successful society is found in the strength of the family. The strength of each and every individual that is raised in those families. Right now that institution is under attack. Our families are falling apart. Think of a truly painful moment in your life, when you were powerless and in pain, did it involve a family member? I bet it did, or at least someone you loved.
My mission is to give individuals and families resources to make better choices. To give them skills and tools to be able to communicate and connect. I want to teach you how to find your own solutions to the problems that arise for you so you can nurture more love and connection in your own home.
Let’s face it life is messy. When we marry we begin with the best intentions. Our hearts are filled with love and we are certain we can overcome any obstacles set in our path. We are rarely prepared for what is placed before us. Most of us can barely deal with our own emotions let alone our partners, then add a few children and their emotions in the mix and the plot thickens. The challenge of merging two different sets of family traditions and beliefs or ways of doing things and the conflict increases. Though we are told technology is supposed to simplify our life it has done just the opposite. The pressure to keep up has created tremendous stress in our lives. We are often overworked and overwhelmed trying to be something we are not thinking that is what others want when often it is not. The mixed messages and miscommunication leads to a mountain of misunderstandings that if not dealt with appropriately leads to heartache.
It does not have to be this way but you do need help. You need a coach to help learn the best practices, skills, tools and principles to apply in your relationship and family to keep things simple. You would not send your child to play football without a coach, so why do we jump into marriage without any training.
I have always been fervent about personal development. For a long time my favorite section in the bookstore was self help. I went to BYU and got my Bachelor’s degree in Psychology because I loved learning what makes people tick and how they think. When I had the opportunity to finish my schooling I knew that I still was not interested in working with pathology and I wanted to work more with marriage and family counseling. Times had changed and now coaching was a new and emerging field that offered greater flexibility for the facilitator and client. I choose to follow the coaching model instead of the therapeutic model. You can learn more about the difference in the coaching section.
I have been lucky to be able to study at a variety of different Institutes with some of my favorite mentors learning different coaching methods. I love to learn and continue to increase my ability to serve my clients. I am very resourceful. One size does not fit all. All my clients are unique so even though I have programs or an outline of what to cover if it does not fit the need in the moment then we adjust and meet the most important need in that moment.
As a coach you will find me to be relatable, compassionate and available. I run a small private practice from my home so that I can manage my time and keep things reasonable. In my heart I am a healer. I truly care about the people I work with. I will work as hard for your relationship as you do.